Friday, May 12, 2017

Blog Stage Eight: Comment on a colleague's work #2

Hello Carolina,
         I find your blog post on Gentrification in our local government to be quite interesting.  To my understanding my fellow classmate Caroline states that gentrification is a big concerning issue. She states that Austin is one of the fastest gentrification city in the entire country. each year about 40,000 new people come and reside in our beloved city. to find out that there’s only one place where Austin residents can find cheap housing. To know that Austin gets a large number of new residents a year plus the ones that already been living there can’t live on a nice affordable location it’s quite sad. In Carolina blog she states that Mayor Steve Adler cares about this saturation and is trying to figure out a way where Austin residents can stay at an affordable price. To know that there is still people like Mayor Steve Adler that wants the best for people is nice. He is working on a policy where all residents not just those with that make a high income but ‘ALL” be treated fairly. the hard part is not making the policy but actually having it approved. What most people care about is if their making a profit. The expansion of Austin is something that is going to be keep on happening but I do hope that they don’t forget about what’s more important and that’s the people because we are what makes our great city amazing.
         Carolina wrote a very interesting and well informed blog when it came to talk about gentrification in Austin. She was able to explain why this is an issue that needs to be taking seriously and not so lightly. She states Developers should focus constructing new apartment and business outside of Austin in open lands. I believe it would be good to use funds to renovate houses, parks, community centers and historical sites. Making Austin more beautiful without evicting residents, lowering the cost of housing, and keeping Austin culture, everyone can live happily. We hope in the next years Austin can continue to be known as "Live Music Capital of the World," and stop being known to be one of fastest gentrified city in the United States, so let support our local government and be more involved in our community. I have to say I do agree with her and how they instead should be doing things differently and trying these ideas that she recommends that will better suit the expansion of Austin.